O'Brien & Wall
Civil Engineering

We are an experienced Civil Engineering, Civil CAD drafting / modeling firm.
Our firm is a qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) and practitioner (QSP). Our services include storm water management (pre and post project), grading and drainage design,
private site development, Engineering and Project Management, public and private water and sanitary sewer systems design and rehabilitation, roadway and highway design,
open channel flow design, flood plain management, and feasibility studies.
We are also Computer Aided Design (CAD) consultants for Land Development Desktop and Civil 3D.
30 W. Mission St., Suite 5 ~ Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 563.6323
21550 Oxnard St., 3rd floor ~ Woodland Hills, CA 91367
(805) 708.4081
We provide professional Civil Engineering consulting services to local engineering firms, public agencies, and private individuals. Also, as Computer Aided Design (CAD) consultants for Land Development Desktop, Civil 3D and Autodesk Survey, we have introduced numerous local Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers to technology and techniques which are leveraged to reduce errors, increase productivity, facilitate inter-disciplinary design coordination, project phasing, scheduling, and bid item quantity calculation accuracy.
Our high-quality work, technical knowledge and ethics have earned us an excellent reputation and a loyal client base.